Monday, April 19, 2010

Be Found In Him

Phil 3: 7-9-"I once thought these things were so very important but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done, yes everything else is worthless when compared to the priceless gain of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ. And become one with Him (be found in Him KJV). I no longer count on my own goodness or my own ability to obey God's law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God's way of making us right with Himself depends on faith"(NLT).

I've been thinking about how easy it is to get lost. In this world where there is some much confusion regarding right and wrong. In this age of tolerance we see where people are doing whatever is right in their own eyes and what used to be wrong is now right and what use to be right is now wrong. We have lost our way as a society. In this chapter of Paul's letter to the Philippine Church, he is admonishing the believers not to put confidence in their religious works to make them right with God. He list his religious pedigree and states that all of that was worthless to him when compared to the priceless gain of knowing Christ. People it's so easy to get lost today. Paul was lost in the strictest of religious life. Many are lost in the philosophies of humanism and humanistic psycology. Jesus Christ and being in a faith relationship with Him is the only way to be found. To be found in Him is to be right with God. The NLT states "to become one with Him". Are you becoming one with Jesus. Are you filled with His Spirit and seeking to obey His every command. Are you so thankful for what He has done for you on the cross. Is your life hidden in Him, or in other words, is the life you now live for and about Jesus and His glory. Do you know Him or just know about Him. I don't think there is anyone left in America who doesn't know about Him but do you know Him. Jesus said my sheep hear and know my voice. Do you know the voice of Jesus. Are you hearing and obeying it on a consistent basis. Jesus is the root and the vine of the plant. He is the source by which all things from God flow. In Him is hidden the wisdom from God that confounds the wisdom of this world. Every good and perfect gift comes from God. Jesus is the good and perfect gift from God. He is God's very best so what else do you need. Are you becoming one with Jesus today. It's time get back to the simplicity of knowing and following Jesus. You may be going to church every Sunday but you have lost your way. How would you know? I think you can know by being honest with yourself. Ask yourself the simple question, does my life reflect or prove that I am becoming one with Jesus. One of the great institutions that God has given mankind is marriage. Isn't it amazing how the bible describes the marriage as the two becoming one flesh. You can look at a marriage to see if the two are actually becoming one flesh. So many marriages never get to this point, they never become one. For two people to become one both have to die to their own agendas and desire and to live for a common goal. They have to totally 100% give themselves for the other person. Well Christ has already died and has given Himself for us. What about you have you died with Christ and now you are totally giving your life to and for Him. May we all today ask ourselves these questions and judge ourselves according to the word of God. And if Jesus chose to come back today may we be found in Him.