Greetings in the Precious name of Jesus Christ!
I would like to share with you a story of Eric Hakizimana, one of the
lives the Lord has impacted through our ministry this month!
Eric Hakizimana was born in 1978. He never knew his father because his
father died right before he was born. 2 years later, Eric was left by
his mother at his grandmother when she went to live with another
husband who did not want Eric.
A few years later, Eric grandmother took him to roman catholic sisters
because she couldn't afford caring for him. She got a place in there
because she was a faithful member of catholic charismatic group and
was greatly appreciated for her devotion.
The catholic sisters received him and cared for him for 13 years.
Right after completing his primary school, his host family was sent to
serve upcountry and did not want to go with him because Eric openly
told them that he will never adhere catholic religion. His decision
forfeited his financial support which led him to drop school with no
where to go because both his grandmother and his mother had passed
away by that time.
With no diploma or job skill, Eric resolved to beg down street for his
survival and like most street boys, Eric sold to robbery and drug
addiction. Worst, Eric joined a group of murderers during Burundi
ethnic war of 1993 – 2005 when he was 15 years old.
Earlier this year, I saw Eric came to me with a couple of his friends
asking to be taught the way to eternal life because he wanted to
please his Creator and escape eternal fire! I shared the gospel with
him and he repented with cries asking God to save them. Months later,
he asked for water baptism which I gladly offered him.
He sleeps down streets, verandas or unfinished houses fleeing
policemen because since coupe of months ago, it is not lawful to sleep
down street. Last night, Eric and his friends (new disciples) were
mercilessly beaten by soldiers who found them sleeping outside late in
the evening.
Eric told me with great joy that since he repented of his sins he
doesn't see anymore the faces of people he willingly killed.
Thanks for helping me reach people like Eric, too.
This is the brother I met in Burundi that has started over 700 house churches. He is on fire with the gospel and he goes for the worst of society.
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